8th Grade Science (Period 1)

Kevin Kinsella
School Year 2016 - 2017

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BrainPop videos

There are 6 BrainPop videos that you need to watch.
1) Electricity
2) Static Electricity
3) Current Electricity
4) Magnetism
5) Electromagnets
6) Electromagnetic Induction
Username: ipaduser
password: student

Magnets and Electricity

Take Cornell-style notes on this slideshow. It is very long. You do NOT need to take a separate set of notes for each page/slide. You should instead include the following subtitles and have notes + a question for each subtitle. 
Subtitles: Magnets/Magnetism (29 slides...1-2 pages of notes), Electric Force + Field Lines (4 slides), Static Electricity + Current Electricity (22 slides...minimum 1 page of notes), Electromagnets + Generators.