8th Grade Science (Period 2)

Kevin Kinsella
School Year 2016 - 2017

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Bowling Ball Newton's Cradle

The visual patterns created in this video are beautiful and mesmerizing. It would be great to pair the video with some music and just watch it over and over again. Even without sound it's amazing. Pure ENJOYMENT!
What makes them all swing at different rates? Remember, we tested pendulums in class...

OPTIONAL-chapter on Waves

This is a chapter on Vibrations and Waves from Paul Hewitt's amazing text book, Conceptual Physics. It provides a good overview of the main concepts that we are covering in our class, although it also goes into some topics we will not cover and goes a bit deeper in some. At the very least, reading it will help solidify your understanding and answering any of the questions, studying the vocab, etc. will help even more.