Mrs. Mercer's ELA8 Homepage

Mrs. Mercer & ELA8  

My name is Alana Mercer, and I’m one of the three ELA8 teachers at RJF. While I wear multiple hats (mom, coffee-lover, daughter, etc.), one of my favorite roles is teacher. Our eighth grade English team meets frequently and works hard to create a rigorous, standards-based curriculum that not only challenges students but genuinely engages them throughout the year. We pride ourselves on being a creative, progressive team, and we are so excited to work alongside students as they learn.

 While each of our units has main skills & standards, students should be prepared to be assessed on their reading, writing, reasoning/critical thinking, speaking, and listening skills repeatedly throughout the year. We see learning as an ongoing process, and we hope that students and parents will embrace a growth mindset.


If you are absent, please check out Google Classroom before reaching out to Mrs. Mercer (who is happy to help you! But also is trying to teach you some independence!).


One Community Los Gatos