Repair Process For 2023-2024 School Year

If your Chromebook breaks, or is not functioning properly during the school year, you may borrow a temporary loaner while yours is being repaired or replaced.

Before submitting a request for a loaner, please determine whether your Chromebook repair is covered under manufacturer warranty, insurance policy, or is a repair that will need to be paid for out of pocket. You may purchase Chromebook insurance if needed from May 1st - September 30th. If you purchased your device after September 30th and would like to purchase insurance, please contact [email protected].

Please read the titles below and click the title that best describes your situation. Each situation is different, but once you click on a title you will find the necessary information to navigate the repair process. Remember to submit your request for a temporary loaner Chromebook if necessary.

Central Computers is certified to perform warranty repairs for manufacturer defects or mechanical failure (such as an unresponsive trackpad, malfunctioning keyboard, etc.). Accidental damage or theft is NOT covered by the warranty.

Please visit the Lenovo site to verify coverage. 

Once you’ve verified your warranty coverage, please stop by or contact Central Computers to arrange for warranty repairs. 

Central Computers
3777 Stevens Creek Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95051
(408) 248-5888
If you prefer, you may work with Lenovo Warranty Support instead for direct manufacturer support.

If your Chromebook has been accidentally damaged (broken screen, water spilled, etc.), stolen or lost, or if your warranty coverage has expired, you may file a claim with School Device Coverage if you have a current policy. Visit School Device Coverage to open a claim.

Once your claim has been approved, print out the confirmation email and submit it with your broken Chromebook to Chrome Depot. Chrome Depot will return the device to your student once it has been repaired.
Contact Central Computers for a quote on repair or another certified repair shop.
Central Computers
3777 Stevens Creek Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95051
(408) 248-5888
Once your device has been repaired, please have your student stop by Chrome Depot to have their device checked for proper management access.