About Ms. Binkley

                My name is Brooke Binkley, and this is my 9th year at Fisher! I teach 6th-grade English and am the Student Activities Director on campus. Before entering the lovely world of middle school, I taught at Gunn High School in Palo Alto (my alma mater). I graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a BA in communication and a minor in Education. After graduation, I came back to the Bay Area to attend Notre Dame de Namur, where I received my Secondary Teaching Credential. I returned a few years later and graduated from NDNU with my MA in Education with an emphasis in Social Justice.
                I coached a 16U travel softball team based in Mountain View, and I am also the assistant varsity softball coach at Los Gatos High School. On the weekends, I am often found reading or spending time with my family. My favorite genres of books are dystopian novels, mystery/suspense, and historical fiction. Lastly, I have two bucket list items that I have been tirelessly trying to fulfill for the past two years - running a marathon and competing on Survivor! Neither of which I have succeeded in yet, but I am hopeful I can cross both of those things off within the next few years. 
One Community Los Gatos