WVAL Rules



  1. High school rules with the following exceptions.
  2. Coaches need to clarify WVAL rules with the referees prior to the start of the game.
  3. Both schools shall provide a person to judge lines.
  4. Two time-outs per game.
  5. Home team must provide an official and a scorer.
  6. The officials should be instructed to issue a warning should heckling occur.  On the second offense, a side out or point shall be awarded.  The heckling spectator will be removed.
    1. No cheerin by coaches, players, and fans after the service whistle, until the serve is completed.
  7. The net height shall be 7’0” to 7’4”.  The net should be pulled taut in order to allow play off the net.
  8. Both A and B teams will play a best 2 out of 3 match.  The A team will play first on Tuesday matches, the B team will play first on Thursday matches.  Wednesday the A team alternates which team plays first.
  9. Only the team involved in the match may sit on the bench.
  10. Warm-ups should include:
    1. 5 minutes passing
    2. 3 minutes shared hitting
    3. 2 minutes shared serving
  11. No one player may play both teams on the same day.
  12. Teams must be set by the 5th match. (moving up after that date the player must remain on that team).
  13. Continuous rotation with all team members will be used.  You may rotate in at any position, but it must stay constant and clockwise. No substitutions.
  14. Only players and coaches may call the ball “in” or “out”.
  15. Ceilings are in play – if the ball comes back to your side.
  16. If two or more players from opposing teams contact the ball simultaneously above the net, any of the two players involved are eligible to participate in the next play, which shall be considered the first of three contacts allowed to the team.
  17. You may step on but not over the centerline. (Shadow rule)
  18. Flat (open) hand and fist are OK, but no rolling off fingers (no lifting the ball).
  19. No overhead multiple contact except on the first ball over.
  20. Double hit is OK if there is only one attempt at the ball (first contact over the net, every time serving or during play).
  21. On SERVE, blocking the ball is NOT ALLOWED.
  22. The server must wait for the official to signal before serving the ball.  If the ball is served before the official signals, a side out (and point) will be awarded.  There will be NO warning per match.
  23. Once the official signals serve, the player has 5 seconds to serve.  If there is a bad toss, the server does not need to let the ball drop to the floor.
  24. Serve can be anywhere behind the end line.
  25. It is OK to set on a serve or the first ball over.
  26. Net hit on serve is OK.
  27. Rally scoring to 25 the first two games, win by 2.  Third game is to 15 points, win by two, also rally scoring.  No switching sides at 8 points.
  28. Kicking or heading the ball is NOT allowed.
  29. West only- No minimum number for either team.  Must have 6 to play a match.
  30. West only - EDS gym - server may take one step across the basketball endline.
  31. East only - minimum 8 players on each squad.  No 8th graders on JV teams.
  32. No watches, hair coloring, markings, or jewelry on the court.