
This link navigates you to Google Classroom, where you can access all of your teacher's assignments and instructions.  You'll need a username, a password, and a code.
Username & Password:

Username[email protected] (e.g. [email protected] for Nello Santillana)

Password: 8-Digit Student Code 

This link navigates you to a site where you can practice math problems we assign you.  You'll need a username and password.  If you are having trouble logging in, please contact me to verify your username and password

Username & Password:
:  [email protected]  (e.g. [email protected] for Nello Santillana) 
Password:  Capital RJF+ 8-Digit Student Code  (e.g. RJF12345678)

Use this link to check your grades.

Username & Password:
UsernameFirst4Last6 (e.g. nellsantil for Nello Santillana)
Password: 8-Digit Student Code