
Welcome to Fisher Dance!

 "Dance to express, not to impress."

Mrs. Meyer's website is meant to provide quick and easy access to important videos, music files, and other pertinent information.  Please also check Google Classroom to stay up-to-date on tasks.  
Top 10 Practices for Dance Class
(Modified from Merce Cunningham)
1. Consider everything as an experiment. 
2. Be self-disciplined - practice quality and positive mental attitude.
3. There is no win, and no fail. There is only make.
4. Do the work, and you will eventually catch on.
5. Do not try to create and analyze at the same time.
6. Be happy whenever you can manage - enjoy yourself.
7. Ask when confused - strive to know more.
8. Find trust, try trusting for a while.
9. Pull everything out of your fellow dancers.
10. Because nice matters.