Frequently Asked Questions
Is there much homework?
Yes, you are required to review all class materials (textbook, INB, lab notes, study guides) pertaining to the unit of study we are in for 10-15 minutes a night. Rarely will there be weekend homework, but occasionally there will. In addition, if you do not utilize class time effectively, you might have to finish the day’s assignment at home! There will also be one “News and Views” assignment per semester.
Do I need a binder or notebook specifically for Science?
Yes you do! You will need a 100 page (minimum), 8.5”x11”, spiral notebook that you will turn into your Interactive NoteBook (INB)- purchased in class or at the Fisher Depot. All assignments, labs, notes and assessments will be glued or taped into your INB. This will become a valuable resource for eighth grade science and beyond.
Do I have to carry my textbook back and forth from home?
No, each class has a set of textbooks. There is an electronic copy of the text online. Your INB will be your primary study guide. You will be issued a textbook at school that you can keep at home. You are responsible for returning it at the end of the year.
Can I eat and drink in class?
NO, you are NOT allowed to eat in class. However, you are allowed to bring water to drink, as long as it is in a container that has a secure lid to prevent spills.
What if I am absent from class?
You are responsible for all missed work. Assignments are posted on my website. You must pick up all missed work from the absence binder. If you have an excused absence you have extra time to turn in the assignment (Category 1 Assignments). See Fisher Homework Policy for more details.
Is there a consequence for turning in an assignment late?
Yes. All late work is automatically marked down. Getting in the routine of turning in assignments on time is of the utmost importance. See the Fisher Homework Policy on the Fisher website. Please communicate with me if there is an emergency/extenuating circumstances.
Is there any extra credit available?
No. We believe that your grade should reflect your ability to turn work in on time, study, and properly prepare for assignments that ensure your mastery of the content.