Make Ups & Medicals
ABSENT FOR DAILY PARTICIPATION: NO MAKE-UP IS REQUIRED WHEN ABSENT FOR DAILY PARTICIPATION POINTS Students are graded based on the time they are in PE for daily points and workout points.
ABSENT FOR ASSESSMENTS: If a student is absent for an assessment activity (mile, pacer, etc.) they must make this up during the current grading period. Mile and pacer make-ups will take place on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am, generally on the Wednesday of the week following the running assessment. Students should consult with their teacher to confirm their make-up participation.
Students who bring a parent or school nurse note stating they are unable to participate in PE, will be required to make up assessments and tests. This must be made up during the current grading period ( Fitness Testing and any Product assignments) Students present in class with no note will not be excused until a doctor or parent note is turned in.
Students that are medicals must turn a doctor’s note into the main office stating specific restrictions from. Modifications to daily instruction will be made for students to still participate when allowed. For medical excuses that last a week or less, students will stay with their class.
If the note states NO PE for more than 1 week, and the student is present at school, study hall in library will be assigned pending behavior. PE class. STUDENT IS REQUIRED TO CHECK IN WITH PE TEACHER FIRST DAY OF MEDICAL. Students will be excused from workouts for the duration of doctors note. Specific details on PE Website.
STUDENTS UNABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN PE ARE NOT PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN FISHER AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS. Only until they are cleared for PE can they return to after school sports.