
Participation Points:
Participation points are earned each day that a student is present in class.  Full credit is based on a student's effort and adherence to rules and routines. Absences result in no points for that day.  However, lost points due to absences can be made up.  For details, refer to our makeup policy.

Workouts are physical activities separate from the current unit of instruction which are graded separately from daily participation.  Workouts can be made up by running a supervised mile.  See our makeup policy for further details.

Mile Run:
The  mile run is a monthly workout that takes place each month. Students are graded against their own individual best time rather than a single standard.  The following provides specific detail about how the mile run is graded:

25 Points = Within 30 seconds of their BEST mile time this year.

23 Points = 31-59 seconds  longer than BEST time.

21 Points = 1:00 -1:29 minutes longer than BEST time.

19 Points = 1:30 – 1:59 minutes longer than BEST time.

17 Points = 2:00 – 2:29 minutes longer than BEST time.

15 Points = 2:30 – 2:59 minutes longer than BEST time.

13 Points = 3:00 – 3:29 minutes longer than BEST time.

11 Points = 3:30 – 3:59 minutes longer than BEST time.

9 Points = 4:00 – 4:29 minutes longer than BEST time.

7 Points = 4:30 – 4:59 minutes longer than BEST time.

5 Points = 5:00 minutes to 5:29 longer than BEST time.

3 Points = 5:30 minutes to 5:59 longer than BEST time.

1 Point = 5:30 to 5:59 longer than BEST time.

0 Points = 6:00 minutes or more longer than BEST time.

Students have the opportunity to redo the mile for a better time, for upt to two weeks after the initial run.  Please make arrangements with the teacher. 

The mile run is only excused with a Doctor's note, or at the teacher's discretion.


The Fitnessgram test is administered 3 times: In the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Go to the Fitnessgram website for more information about the program.

Pacer Test - 20 Meters

Curlup Cadence

Pushup Cadence

Target Heart Rate Input 

Online Quizzes:
Online quizzes include brief, multiple choice / true false-type answer options which check for knowledge and help analyze a recently completed unit of instruction.
Missed a quiz? Go to TNT either during lunch or after school and ask to take the paper version of the test that you missed.
Sample Online Quiz


Assignments in which students are assigned online reading, after which they answer questions and submit them online. 

7th and 8th grade Beginning of the Year Questionnaire

6th grade Beginning of the Year Questionnaire

PE Website Scavenger Hunt